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What Would You Like to Know?
We know what you really wanna know about Capital City Basketball Academy. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of all the frequently questions we usually get asked regarding our teams, camps. coaches and games. If you still haven’t found the answers you’re looking for, feel free to contact us and we’ll be happy to answer your questions.
What are the age categories?
Age Categories for 2023-2024
U11 - Born in 2013 & 2014
U13 - Born in 2011 & 2012
U15 - Born in 2009 & 2010
U17 - Born in 2007 & 2008
How many players are on each team roster?
Each team will consist of 10 to 13 players.
How much do the teams cost?
We are non-profit and therefore only charging what is required as part of team fees. It will vary dependent on league, merchandise, support, tournament costs etc.
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